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Support for your child in Kirklees

The 'Thriving Kirklees' website has links to a wealth of information and support services, including am online support service called Kooth, text support services, support groups and counselling services for which you can make your own referrals.

Click on the link below to access 'Thriving Kirklees:'



Workshops and support groups to help your child:

Northorpe Hall Child & Family Trust is an independent  charity, working closely with NHS and Kirklees Council health and care services. The staff and volunteers provide essential services supporting the health and wellbeing of Kirklees children, young people and families.  These services include free workshops for parents and children, covering a wide range of topics such as Understanding and Supporting Anxiety, Back to School Support and Healthy Relationship with Food.  There is also a regular 'Chill and Chat' peer support group for parents/carers in Kirklees who have children experiencing challenges to their emotional and mental health.    

Click on the link below to access Northorpe Hall:  https://www.northorpehall.co.uk/

Click on the link below to directly access the workshop page:



night owls

Night Owls - night time support (8pm - 8am).

West Yorkshire Night OWLS is a confidential, out of hours help line for children, young people, their parents and carers who live in Kirklees, Bradford, Leeds, Calderdale and Wakefield.  If a child or young person you care for is in a crisis and you are concerned about their emotional wellbeing contact Night OWLS.

Click on the link below to access Night OWLS: 



The 'NSPCC' website has useful advice for parents on how to support a child who may have depression, anxiety or other mental health issues.  

Click on the link below to access the NSPCC help page:




PARENTS online 

Parenting can be really tough. PARENTS Online provides free online emotional support to parents from parents, with professional training and lived experience.

Click on the link below to access the PARENTS Online website:



National Help for Adults 

The 'Hub of Hope' website is the UK's leading mental health support database.  It brings all support services together in one place.  It is the UK's first signposting tool for mental health.

Click on the link below to access Hub of Hope:



Online Wellbeing 

We all have our part to play in keeping children safe online.  Check out the NSPCC online safety guide:


You may also like to read the Digital Parent Guide produced by Vodaphone by clicking on the link below:




Kirklees Local Offer - wellbeing page 

You may like to have a look at the emotional support/ wellbeing page on the Kirklees Local Offer website.  This is where all the services available to children and young people with additional needs in Kirklees are set out.  (The link to the homepage is on the school website Special Educational Needs page.)


Click on the link below to access information on this website about mental health apps that you and your child may find useful for emotional wellbeing:




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